Home health is a wide range of services provided to a homebound individual.
Home health care is often less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care that is received in a hospital or skilled nursing facility.
Skilled home health service includes (but is not limited to):
In general, the goal of home health care is to treat an illness or injury, home health care helps you:
Wound care for pressure sores or surgical wounds
Patient and caregiver education
Intravenous or Nutrition Therapy
Monitoring of serious illness and unstable health status
Stabilize health
Regain your independence
Become as self-sufficient as possible
Maintain your current condition or level of function
Slow decline
What can be expected from your home health care?
Examples of what home health staff will do:
To begin care, Doctor's orders are needed; this is called a referral for home health services. Once received from the doctor, we will schedule an appointment where you will be asked about your needs and a nurse will evaluate your current health status.
Our staff will keep in contact with your doctor and keep them updated on your progress.
It is important that home health staff visit you as often as ordered by your doctor.
Check your diet
Check your blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing
Check that you are taking prescriptions and other drugs and treatments correctly
Monitor and manage any complaints of pain
Check for your safety in the home
Teach you about your care to help you manage on your own
Coordinate your care; communicate regularly with you, your doctor, and all care providers